Today: 10 February 2025
Time in Saint-Petersburg:   16:42
Address: 11, Yakovlevskiy lane,
4th floor, St. Petersburg,
196105, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 327 10 70

Phone: +7 (981) 719 28 28
You can call: 


Discount 5% for members of our groups!

Discount 5%
for members of our groups!


Welcome to hostel "All Seasons"!

You can book places in our hostel the following ways:

  1. By phone: +7 812 327 10 70; +7 981 719 28 28.
  2. By e-mail:
  3. If our hostel is almost fully booked for some days, we need a prepayment for reservation.
    We can accept prepayment only by credit card.
    If you need visa support letter we can make it after your prepayment.
    We accept prepayment for reservation and visa support only by credit card.
    For more information, please, send e-mail to:
  4. Complete Reservation Form on our web-site and wait for the answer to your e-mail:

Reservation form

Please,enter your full legal name:

Last First Middle *

Date of arrival at the hostel:
Day Month Year *

Time of arrival: a.m.p.m.

Date of departure from the hostel:
Day Month Year *

Type of the room: single double triple 4-bedded dorm *

Number of persons:

Phone *

E-mail *

Anything more that you would like to add


